Setting up Firebase
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Last updated
since this app was built using Firebase ,you have to create a New Project on Firebase by going to Firebase Console then sign in using your google account if your'e not signed in , then create a new Project and set the name you like for the project
next up you have to Enable Phone Authentication in Firebase Console by going to :
click on Phone
enable it then save
Also enable Google auth provider by same way. If not enable you will face authentication problem after upload app to Google Play Store.
if you did not upload these images you will see an error while registering after confirming your phone number
now you have to upload the default user image, this image is used by default when a user registered in the app for the first time and he did not pick a Profile image.
to do that go to Firebase Console > Storage then click on Upload File. you can upload your own default user profile photo or you can upload the included image in Firebase Console - Files\default_user_img.png
after uploading, click on the uploaded image > Expand File Location > click on Download URL
. this will copy the uploaded url to save it in Database later.
go to Database and add a new node by hitting the little plus icon
(choose Firebase Realtime Database if prompted)
then type the key name: defaultUserProfilePhoto
and paste in the copied url as the value . like This
now we have to do the same thing for defaultGroupProfilePhoto
: upload your image or upload the included image in Firebase Console - Files\default_group_profile.png
go to 'Database' > Rules (choose Firebase Realtime Database if prompted)
now you have two options to secure your Database:
if you did not define Security rules the app will not work and you will face some issues while registering for the first time
Secure Real Time Database
go to Downloaded Files > Firebase Console - Files > and open up Firebase-security-rules.txt
then copy all of its content and paste it in Firebase Rules
go to Storage > Rules and paste in the following rules then hit publish:
starting SuperChat 3.0 we introduced Force Update Mode which forces the user to update the app on his device. to enable that go to Firebase Console > Database > create a new node by clicking on the little plus icon then add it like the following
now let's explain these things:
latestVersion: the latest version of the app, we use versionCode
which is included in build.gradle
versionsToUpdate: specifies which versions needed to update
updateCondition: we use four conditions to check whether there is an update required
: show the Force mode ONLY if versionsToUpdate == the client's current version
: show the Force mode ONLY if versionsToUpdate >= the client's current version
: show the Force mode ONLY if versionsToUpdate <= the client's current version
: this is a kill switch if something goes wrong you can set NONE
so you can disable update mode for the clients.
please make sure to type the conditions EXACTLY as above as it is case-sensitive.